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Showing posts from May, 2009
Okay, so yesterday came and went...rather quickly too! Today's topic: Friends. I was reading in my high school journal last night and I came across some hilarious things I did in high school with my friends. I had totally forgotten that most of these things happened - I told you I have memory issues! There was one class (AP English with Mrs. Shelton, to be exact) and every week I would bring treats for the class (it was a little pricey, but in the end it paid off - I passed :) ). Anyway, toward the end of the year was Mrs. Shelton's birthday, so my friend Sarah and I brought cake. I had this awesome cake pan that was indestructible metal and had a handy dandy metal lid that slid onto it - it was pretty sweet, I'm not gonna lie. Well, the class had their cake and ate it too and everyone loved us. :) After school I was so excited to eat the last piece of cake! It was suprise cake with chocolate chips and cream cheese at the bottom - my very favorite. In my jolly mood I volunt


YAY! I thought you had abandoned me for higher mental pursuits. Thanks for the laugh - I don't remember many of my embarrassing moments so I have to live vicariously through yours...obviously that means the inside of my head is teeming with repressed memories, I tend to embarrass myself often. But when I read all of your falling stories, I thought of the funniest time on the mission. I have to describe the setting first: Allentown; the Turner Street apartment. Did you ever serve there? Well, for dramatic effect I will describe it anyway. There are three apartments in the Turner Street Row home...We were in the second floor apartment, meaning there was a long wooden staircase going up to the door of our apartment. I was serving with Katie Sano and we were a little spicy together - we burned each other on a regular basis. One morning we were slinging less than compliments at each other as we walked out the door. I paused on the landing while Katie locked the door and said something

Responding and Reflecting

Ashley, I really can't form an opinion since you found the bouquets on's a breech of the good craft employee code. I mean, afterall, I do work for the competition. But if I didn't work for a competitor and WAS able to form an opinion, then I probably, most likely would have said that this bouquet was my favorite. But, since I shouldn't really form an opinion...I won't share that information with you. So today I heard a great story from a very good friend here at work. It goes as follows: My friend, whom we shall refer to as 'M', stopped to get a present on her way to the reception of a good friends daughter. When she arrived at the reception hall, she grabbed her purse and the gift bag from the car and went inside. After the awkward social gathering ended, all parties, including the newly weds, went home. Most of the guests, including the newly weds, drove back to Nevada. A while later, M got a call from the newly weds telli

There's a Snake in My Boot

(Read the Prequel ) Okay, so that is not one of my pull-string phrases...although if I really did have a pull-string, I would see if they could install that one. You know, Ashley, for one who talks so much, I have surprisingly few iconic statements of my own...But I will do my best... 1. SWEET! 2. That is my FAVORITE scripture! 3. Oh man! 4. How's that working for you? 5. Good luck with that. And I saved the best for last...I DEFINITELY use this phrase in EVERY conversation: 6. Hello, Hi, Hey, Hola or some other variation. So your life really is interesting and random...I have an obsessive compulsive need to maintain a clean all of my texts have long since been eradicated so I cannot share them with you. I will finish this exciting response later...I'm off to sign my life away...Just think, in only 30 short minutes I will have successfully spent all of my paychecks for the next 30 years. Now that takes talent! Okay, so it was almost as quick and painless as giving b

Moderation is Overrated

So I've been on a blog fast for the last month and a half. And it seems to have worked quite well - my blog is DEFINITELY thin! But like a dog to it's vomit, a depressed woman to her chocolate, and a teenage boy to the fridge, I am back to blog binging! So Ashley, my friend :), I guess I will answer your query...First things first, I would have to agree that you are superior at the quality time thing - in fact, I think you are right up there with the mother of all attention harlots...or something like that. ;) Not to sound boastful or anything, but I know how to speak all five love languages too - I just choose not to. But if I wanted to, I could do them all simultaneously! I will have to ponder how... Ouch...pondering hurts. Moving on. San Diego was like the best time EVA! But I have to confess something...I cheated on my swim suit as soon as we got to Utah with a new Speedo. Shocking I know. Maybe you won't want to be my friend any more...obviously my first love language