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Showing posts from December, 2011

A Sense of Accomplishment

This is your fair warning - you don't have to keep reading if you don't want to hear how awesome I feel right now.'ve been warned. I just got my grades from UVU for Fall semester. All I have to say is 4.0!! I am feeling pretty freaking awesome about that! I know for most of you that might not be a huge deal, but I didn't get very many 4.0 semesters in college and then after 7 years of being out of college, going back full-time while balancing work and stuff...not to mention the fact that two of those classes were Statistics and's pretty epic. I have a new found respect and admiration for those who successfully balance full-time work and full-time school. It totally sucks!! And I can't even imagine throwing a family into that mix! That's just nuts! I almost died and I only have to worry about me! Luckily I narrowly escaped death and I'm gearing up for another semester of this craziness. But this moment of euphoria is almost wor